Retrieve the value of [Environment Default] for the "schema" property of a component, using the API

If the notion of default environment exists and if it has a standard meaning, I am still thinking about the fact that it might not help me completely.

Please, allow me to explain:

the "[Environment Default]" value from the schema property of my component finds its true identity in, I suppose, the default_schema variable of the selected environment (or also in the "schema" field of the environment export, if I understood correctly). But the selected environment is not necessarily the default environment.


More over, the mere concept of a selected environment would be contradictory with the statelessness of the RESTful API.

Therefore, there is no concept of selected environment, as answered in my previous question.

In that case, I wouldn't be able to determine which environment is referred by the "[Environment Default]" value of my component. Is that right?


I hope what I said makes sense, and if I made a mistake in the reasoning, I would be very grateful to be told!