I am making a call to an API URI which requires a SystemID parameter as part of the URI. I have a Grid Iterator component which extracts each SystemID in turn and links to an API Query component which makes the call to the API and successfully returns data for each SystemID in the loop.
The data returned by the API does not include the SystemID so I want to add this as a column in the returned data. The SytemID is available as a job variable.
In BASIC mode on the API Query component, the Data Selection property includes a Variables tab, which includes the job variable that I want to include in the returned data. After selecting it (along with the columns from the API), I get an error message “Unrecognised Options” followed by the default value for the job variable.
In ADVANCED mode I am able to write a SQL statement that selects the job variable and the API columns. On clicking Sample, the default job variable value is returned along with the API columns. This is what I want as my output, however on running the job, it fails with an SQL compilation error – invalid identifier on the job variable column.
As a Matillion newbie I would appreciate any advice, please.
Many thanks