1st case : An orchestration job and a sub orchestration job :
If, for instance, a componant Database Query crashes in the sub orchestration job, there is a message at componant level (you can export Message) but not at the Job level (if you export Message, it's empty).
For now, the solution I found is to set a shared public variable (var_message) with the Message so that I can export that variable at the parent Level...
I don't need to assign any value to var_message when calling the sub job and i can export it... why not
2nd case : An orchestration job and a shared job :
In the 1st case, if I transform the sub job into Shared Job, the shared public variable becomes has to be a parameter to the Shared Job but I can export it. In this case, it works but it's a bit dirty...
3rd case : If the sub job is a transformation job, then we can only export the message in the last componant (where the SQL is executed)... but impossible to catch the validation messages from the other componants :(
Does any body have ideas if I can do better than the 1st and 2nd cases ? And is there any way to manage my 3rd case ?
Thanks a lot,