Hi all, I'm trying to manage error messages between sub orchestation job and his parent or between a shared job and the parent orchestration job



1st case : An orchestration job and a sub orchestration job :

If, for instance, a componant Database Query crashes in the sub orchestration job, there is a message at componant level (you can export Message) but not at the Job level (if you export Message, it's empty).

For now, the solution I found is to set a shared public variable (var_message) with the Message so that I can export that variable at the parent Level...

I don't need to assign any value to var_message when calling the sub job and i can export it... why not


2nd case : An orchestration job and a shared job :

In the 1st case, if I transform the sub job into Shared Job, the shared public variable becomes has to be a parameter to the Shared Job but I can export it. In this case, it works but it's a bit dirty...


3rd case : If the sub job is a transformation job, then we can only export the message in the last componant (where the SQL is executed)... but impossible to catch the validation messages from the other componants :(


Does any body have ideas if I can do better than the 1st and 2nd cases ? And is there any way to manage my 3rd case ?


Thanks a lot,





No ideas ? Not even from Matillion Team ?





Hi @hdeoliveira-ext​ and thanks so much for your patience.

I believe the methods you have posted are currently the best way to do the jobs you've shared. This documentation for "Manage Error Reporting" might possibly also have something that may be of help?

You can always add any ideas that you have for improving this to the Ideas Portal if you'd like? Other members of the community will then be able to vote and comment on it and the team can take a further look.

Many thanks,
