How to connect to Redshift from Matillion using Python Script, query and bring in 9000+ rows. Make some transformation and put them back in Redshift Database. May be using boto3 or any other libraries

I have the task History pulled every day from Matillion API. One of the component JDBC has no rowcount on the main task but holds row count at its sub task. I need to update the row count from sub task to main task by recursively iterating the parent ID between the two components. I wanted to do it for all the JDBC component rows which is like more than in 100 +places. Getting the data from table and performing update using Python is hopefully more efficient and I am looking to connect to Redshift to pull and push data and perform update using Python Script Component. The image shows a sample of TASK History pulled where I need to update 30879 from taskid 277 to task id 26

Hi @Preethi​ Can you tell what is your primary cloud database you connected with Matillion? (Redshift/Snowflake/GCP)