How to read multiple Xlsx files from S3 bucket using matillion?

File names are same, But sheet names are different

You could use one of the iterator components to iterate over the different sheet names. I think this also requires a mapping "file (with path)" -> "sheet name". You have provided very little information on your problem so I can't go more in detail. If you require more help, please post more details on your setting.

Could you please brief out how to load multiple sheets of an excel in matillion .

Example - Excel File name - EXCELLOAD

Sheet names - A,B,C ....and so on

Quick description:

  • Create a job variable of type VARCHAR and name "sheet"
  • Create a fixed iterator and add values A, B, C (your sheet names)
  • Configure the iterator to use your previously created variable
  • Configure the Excel Component as usual
  • In the Excel Component, instead of typing the sheet name, use the variable ${sheet}