I am using the JDBC Incremental Load component and would like to save the run-time details: Row Count, Completed At, Started At, etc from each object iterated over into a logging table. The is no value returned at this point.
Hello pthiagarajan
You can use the component Export tab to extract these values at runtime: https://docs.matillion.com/metl/docs/2908982/#grid-variable-export
And then you can use the Query Result to Scalar component to add these values to a table:
Ben Smiles
@BenSmilesMatillionProductOwner Thanks , I did try that. Export works well for other components but not for JDBC Incremental Load. The Ro Count is still 0.JDBC incremental load has this property "Automatically Update Target Metadata". Should this be enabled for it to have a row count?
Hello pthiagarajan
If I'm honest, we're moving into an area of the product that is outside of my scope of knowledge.
I know that the "Automatically Update Target Metadata" is unlikely to help, and at first glance, this looks like a bug.
However, I would suggest contacting our Support team (support.matillion.com) and logging a ticket with them, as they will be able to troubleshoot this issue for you much more thoroughly than I am currently able.
Ben Smiles
Product Team
@BenSmilesMatillionProductOwner Thanks for looking into this. I did raise a case with Matillion and they are considering it as a product feature for future.