Trying to connect to AWS Redshift from Matillion ETL and getting this error. [Amazon](500150) Error setting/closing connection: SocketTimeoutException. The Matillion IP Adr has been whitelisted but I'm getting the same error

Trying to connect to AWS Redshift from Matillion ETL and getting this error.
Amazon Error setting/closing connection: SocketTimeoutException.
The Matillion IP Adr has been whitelisted but I’m getting the same error.

To clarify, Matillion ETL resides in Azure. Any help with this connection issues is appreciated.

This is most definitely an issue with network connectivity. Have you been able to confirm the connection is making it to the VPC in AWS? If, so can you confirm a connection attempt was made again Redshift? You should be able to get this info from Cloudwatch. I am going to go out on a limb and say that it's likely a subnet issue. If you think about traffic getting to the Redshift instance, there are multiple stops along the way. For instance the VPC has to be configured to accept the traffic from outside. The subnet being used needs to be configured to all the IP and traffic through. Then the Redshift instance has to have whitelisting configured to allow that traffic through as well. Some of this depends on how your AWS infrastructure is setup but in general there are multiple possibilities as to why the connection request is not making it to Redshift or back from Redshift.


I hope this helps in some way!