What is the difference between run_history_job and task_batch_history?


I see in posgres DB of Matillion there ​are two tables for task history: run_history_job and task_batch_history. It seems task_batch_history is what task history feature shows on Matillion menu UI. But run_history_job makes me confused.

Anyone can help me? Many thanks.​

Hi Sunny,


Also confused! On my system they seem to be at the same granularity, so it looks like there is some duplication. The id in task_batch_history is the same as the taskbatchid in run_history_job. However there are sometimes run_history_job records with no matching task_batch_history (and never the other way around).


I guess it's not safe to make any assumptions about the underlying tables becasue they change over time. The only safe way to automate the retrieval of task history data is through the published API.



Saw this and noted that this wasn't answered. Just to describe what data each of these tables hold.


run_history_job is the historic canvas view of the final state of the components when the job completed

task_batch_history is the "header" information for the task history

task_package_history is the "line" info for the task history


Hope this helps.

Kind regards

Adam Smith

Yes. Absolutely. Hope we can get the answer for it.​

@de Baris, I already compared task_batch_history with Matillion UI and with task history via API, they matched. But I have 2 two questions for it:

  1. Why job_id always change over time for the same job?
  2. What is run_history_job? What relationship between it and task_batch_history?​