Api query for Lineage data in Matillion ETL



I am trying to fetch the lineage endpoint info by creating a new profile in Matillion ETL. But I am getting below error.


This is the endpoint URI that I am sending http://<instance>/rest/v1/group/name/{group_name}/project/name/{project_name}/environment/name/{environment_name}/lineage?startTimestamp={startTimestamp}


Anyone has any idea?

Hi @vijaya-lakshmi.maurya​ - I am guessing you are sending across the values within the endpoint and not {group_name} as a value?

Ahh I know, you are sending the port over (:8080) - you don't need this. Remove that and run again, let me know what you see.

What is {group_name}? If you are trying to use a matillion variable then it should be ${group_name}. Otherwise make sure the value of the variable is set correctly. It says the failure is from position 41 which starts at your {group_name} reference...

Yes i am sending the values. Have configured the auth as well.

When I try with Curl, I get the response back. But in Matillion ETL the same URL gives this error.


You mean like this?{group_name}/project/name/{project_name}/environment/name/{environment_name}/lineage?startTimestamp={startTimestamp}

Your projects are organized in Project_groups. the environment variable project_group_name contains this.

Worth a try!

Still the same error. When i pass it with values, the error is occurring at the point where I have give 'equal' sign. startTimestamp={startTimestamp}

Could you populate it with this timestamp for me please:




This takes it back a while so should work.


Let me know!

It doesnt take any value passed to startTimestamp. And still gives the same error. (I have covered my passed values)

V v strange, this one I know works:




And it won't let you pass in the timestamp?

If I hard-code the timestamp value in the URI, then its giving me the Response !!

Very interesting! So it's working? Looks like a bug here.

Yeah seems like it.