Hi Ian,
even though we are only using it for few days now, I'm already a huge fan of the new Manage Error Reporting feature. It's a great addition to the product! Nevertheless, I have some remarks and improvement suggestions:
Working with templates
If you use a predefined Payload Template and then change this template, the changes are not propagated to the Manage Error Reporting feature. Instead, the payload template is set to custom and it shows the template contents before the last change. This is not consistent to the Webhook Post Component which always uses the latest template version in the component. Steps to reproduce:
1) Project -> Manage Webhook Payloads -> Create a new Payload test.json
2) Project -> Manage Error Reporting -> Set up error reporting with Payload Template set to test.json
3) Project -> Manage Webhook Payloads -> Edit payload test.json with any change
4) Project -> Manage Error Reporting -> Payload is set to [Custom] and the Payload shows the contents of test.json before the change
Expected behaviour: In Step 4) Manage Error Reporting has Payload Template still set to test.json and the latest version is used.
Distinguish between scheduled runs and manual job executions
Our main use case for this new feature is to monitor the jobs in our PROD environment. I have set up a Webhook endpoint in a newly created MS Teams channel where all error reports are published. I really like the fact that all our team members see the errors and people can respond to a specific message and thus the others see that someone is already working on a specific issue. What I can tell from the first days, this process works very good for us.
I actually want to see these notifications only for our scheduled batch jobs. And I only want to have error reporting enabled only for scheduled jobs. I think if you run a job manually, you will also do the monitoring at that time and you don’t need the notification like we use it. We also see this if we deploy something to our PROD environment and then start a test run (which may fail). My idea is to make the error reporting configurable with options like these: “[x] Monitor Scheduled jobs, [ ] Monitor manual job runs”.
I will add this to the ideas portal as well, but maybe the community could also comment here.
Possible bug with error messages and iterators
If you implement an Iterator component and call an Orchestration job with different parameters, the job might fail only for parts of the input while other input data might cause successfull job runs. If I use the Manage Error Reporting feature here, the only error message I see is "X Iterations generated". IMO, the message should be generated by the executed orchestration job.
I'm curious what other community members think about the new feature and about our experiences and suggestions.