I saved en excel file in a sharepoint (39ko). After that, with DATA TRANSFER component, I upload the excel file from my sharepoint to my S3 bucket. The component runs without error and I see the file in my S3 bucket (but more bigger than at the beginning : 183ko).
Then I try to do an EXCEL QUERY to load my S3 bucket file excel into a table. But, I get an error "Error loading file: Te central directory was nos found." . It doesn't recognize my file as an excel file.
Is there a particular parameter in my data transfer component to make it understand that it is an excel file? Any other solution?
Try to upload the excel file directly into s3 for testing purposes and use the Excel Query again. Same error message?
If not I would recommend to check your settings for the Data Transfer component.
And no you don't need to specify the data type in the data transfer component.
I tried to load the excel file into the S3 bucket myself, the excel query component works fine that way.
But, what I need is to be able to load documents in S3 without having to do the manual manipulation (automation).
Hi Aurelie,
yes, I think I understand your problem.
I just wanted to narrow down the problem.
So it has definitely to do with the data transfer component.
Does the excel file copied via the Data Transfer component have the same file size like the original file?
Maybe you just created a file with the same name but didn't copy anything at all.
I had the same problem. My mistake was that I didn't specify the source path of the file correctly.
Unfortunately in this case the data transfer component wouldn't detect any error, instead it would just create an empty file with the defined target file name.
I would check your path to the source file again.
e.g. folder/subfolder/filename.xslx
I saved en excel file in a sharepoint (39ko). After that, with DATA TRANSFER component, I upload the excel file from my sharepoint to my S3 bucket. The component runs without error and I see the file in my S3 bucket (but more bigger than at the beginning : 183ko).So, not the same size at all, and the path is the good one.
When I try to save this new file fom S3, it's not an excel, just something like xml. that's why, I think the data trasnfer component had a problem, but i don't know where...
I see. Weird.
You could write to support@matillion.com or wait for more comments.
Could you post your Data Transfer settings (maybe anonymize sensitive information)? This might help others and me to support you more efficiently.
Do you have the "Unpack File" option activated? IIRC the modern Excel formats are just zipped XMLs. Maybe the component misinterprets the file and tries to extract your Excel file?!
If that's not the case, I think contacting support would indeed help best.
Hello Michael,
When I activate the "Unpack File" option, I can't run my component. I got an error : "Error unpacking Zip file. Zip file is empty or corrupted."
I already contacted support, I'm waiting for a solution...
Hi Aurelie, did support ever get back to you regarding this? Running into the same problem
Hey @m.keysight
I am really sorry to learn you have a similar issue, I would recommend also reaching out to our support them at support@matillion.com and they take a look at this for you and resolve the issues you are having.
Kind regards, Joe