First connection to Oracle database with Database Query- strange list of objects coming back

Trying to connect to our Oracle database for the first time with a database query, and a strange list of stuff comes back, none of it the tables i want!


I use the same connection string and user on another (non matillion) server and it works fine.


Any ideas? I've never seen anything like this before.

Hi @Lightbody​ , we don't have Oracle and I haven't ever tried to connect to Oracle but I have connected to a few other complicated sources like old IBM DB2 iSeries and what I found is that there is typically connection options that need to be defined to make the connection function as you would expect.

What I believe happens is that certain tools are either using a different driver which has different requirements than the driver in Matillion or the tool just knows what connection options are required in order for the driver to make the expect connection. So, I guess what I am saying is the Matillion implementation of the driver is very literal and raw. In other tools you may not have to set specific connection options or or connection string items but in Matillion since there are no default connection options you have to define them yourself.

Another thought is that if you know the connection works other places and those other places are using a JDBC driver, then I would download or retrieve the same JDBC driver and update Matillion's drivers with that one. Then you know for sure that you are in a like for like situation.

I hope this helps in some way!

Hi @Lightbody​ ,

Database query component always works fine with Oracle as we have used this many times.

Could you please share the screenshot (removing PII data) so that we will be able to guide in this regards.

Sharing the screenshot which always works fine for us:



Thanks for the replies, appreciated.


It seems to be working. I was searching for a table and not finding it, but hadn't realised the search was case-sensitive... once I did that, I found my table (in amongst all the weird gobbledygook as shown in the screenshot).




- Rob

Glad you figured it our Rob!