How can we use snowSQL in matillion to parse COMPLEX JSON dataset? Explicitly want to use snowSQL its customer requirement

use snowSQL in matillion to parse COMPLEX JSON dataset

There's probably a couple of ways to answer this:

  1. Matillion transformation jobs generate snowflake SQL. That's what they do. Once you configure and validate a component, check out the SQL tab to see the statement it will generate.
    1. Have you looked at the Extract Nested Data component?
  2. You can write your own snowflake SQL using the SQL component if you want to. But it's easier to use the components for 99% of things.
  3. You can even call through to snowpark defined functions from the SQL component in Matillion if you prefer.
  4. Where's the data coming from, if it's a REST API, the API Query component will flatten the data into a table direct from the API. Or API Extract can be used to place the data into a variant data type (to then be picked up by the Extract Nested Data component).
