How to setup SFTP with SSH for Data Transfer Component

Does anyone have details on how to setup and install the SSH keys on Matillion server?

I have generated an SSH key pair on my dev box to connect to a client's remote SFTP server.

I have successfully connected via Filezilla.

Now I would like to connect to the client's SFTP server through Matillion.

I assume I need to "install" the public SSH key on the Matillion server.

Does anyone have detailed instructions on how to do this? I have tried adding the public SSH key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file but still not working.

The error I receive when I run the Data Transfer component is:

com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: invalid privatekey: [B@59405b9c

I downloaded the Matillion server logs and no further details. Happy to attach them here or provide additional screenshots if that will help.


Also, my SSH keypair was created with a private key "passphrase". I am assuming that I will enter that in the Data Transfer component as the Source Password field?


Unfortunately I can't seem to edit my original post.


The 3rd party SFTP server will have this public SSH key installed. All I need to do is use my private SSH key to connect to that server.

In this case the issue still stands.

How do I use my private SSH key *with a passphrase* to connect to an external SFTP server via Matillion?

I can't get past the error listed above: com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: invalid privatekey: [B@59405b9c

and the server logs give no extra details (like the rest of the error message!)



Ended up writing a python script to solve this.

We created folders on the matillion server to upload ssh keys and can reference those in the script.


Here's the script if anyone else can benefit:


import paramiko; # using version 2.8.1 - newer versions have an authentication bug

import boto3;


# turn on paramiko debugging

# paramiko.common.logging.basicConfig(level=paramiko.common.DEBUG)


# S3 credentials

s3 = boto3.client('s3')

s3_resource = boto3.resource('s3')

bucket = '[s3_bucket_name_goes_here]'

s3_folder = '[s3_subfolder_name_goes_here]'

s3_bucket = s3_resource.Bucket(bucket)


# create ssh client 

ssh_client = paramiko.SSHClient()


host="[sftp host name]"

username="[you know what goes here]"


private_key="[put path/filename of ssh key here]"

private_key_pass="[password of private key goes here]"


# get private key from private key file

pkey = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(private_key,private_key_pass)

# print (pkey)


# open SSH session


conn = ssh_client.connect(host,username=username,pkey=pkey,look_for_keys=False)

# ,port=22


# open sftp connection

sftp = ssh_client.open_sftp()


# get list of files

directory_list = sftp.listdir("[folder on sftp server]")

remote_path = "[again folder on sftp server]/"

# print (directory_list)


# do something with the files

for file in directory_list:

 if file.__contains__('.CSV'):

  print ('Processing file: ' + file)


  # write file to temp so we can decrypt (pgp)

  sftp.get(remote_path + file,'/tmp/' + file)



  ## to move directly to s3 bucket

  ## get the "file-like" object of each file and put it in S3

  #with + file, "r") as f:    

  # f.prefetch()

  # s3_bucket.put_object(Body=f,Key=s3_folder + file)



  # remove the file from sftp folder so we don't get it again

  sftp.remove(remote_path + file)


# close session

