Transfer files from SFTP to S3

Hi ,


I am using Data Transfer Component for transferring files from SFTP to AWS S3.


I have followed the steps to setup source URL, user name.


But while running the component , I am getting this error :


com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Auth fail


Can someone please help?




Hi @shivani.bothra1620819956367​, usually when there is an Auth Fail on the Data Transfer component where SFTP is involved, it's because the combo of username, password, and key are incorrect. I typically lean towards the key as it's the more complicated piece of the combo. Make sure your key doesn't have any spaces on the front or back of it as this will cause it to fail. I can't remember specifically how the validation works with the Data Transfer component when SFTP is involved but there is a good chance that it validates correctly while configuring but fails during run. The validation process that Matillion employs could just be making sure all the required fields have values. Meaning, it may not be validating an actual successful connection.

Again, if you are sure the username and password is correct, I would focus on the key. I hope this helps.

Hi @Bryan​ ,

Thanks for your response.

Yes it was the SFTP key which caused this error.

