using the Table Update I'm trying to loop through multiple target tables and update the corersponding input tables based on different columns depending on the specific table being looped through.
I've added a column for the grid variable called updateTableJoin, which holds the value of the the tables unique column names (e.g. "no_"). which becomes the variable ${EQM_raw_updateTableJoin} (seen in screenshot).
When i write the join expression in the Table Update component:
"target".${EQM_raw_updateTableJoin} = "input".${EQM_raw_updateTableJoin} and run the job. I get an error saying:
"SQL compilation error: syntax error line 86 at position 56 unexpected '$'."
Which leaves me with the impression that the component cannot read variables in the join input?
Does anyone know how to use a variable in the join section of update table?
(I've also tried writing the full statement in the variable)