I am using "Table Update" component for a GENERIC process to update the tables. I am using grid variables to store column names / primary key indicator for both source and target. I want to update the target table by comparing primary key dynamically

If it's for one particular table, I can join by primary keys for that table and update. Since it's a generic process and I am populating grid variable of name/primary key dynamically, the options that I tried is not working.

Any luck? I'm trying something similar using this blog article: https://www.matillion.com/resources/blog/how-to-use-matillion-etl-grid-variables-to-incrementally-load-insurance-claim-data


However as with most of Matillion's documentation, the components are changing so fast the documentation is out of date.


I'm just trying to understand how to setup a Table Update using a grid variable?


If the grid variable has a column that contains the actual table columns then how should I populate the When Matched details:

Here is the followup screenshot: