I want to Control the Matillion jobs/schedules through Matillion APIs remotely. Job(tasks) be to cancelled , remotely via APIs, which is in running state

API POST - Endpoint Call to cancel current running job(task) based on task Id


curl --request POST \

--url http://<instanceAddres>/rest/v1/group/name/<dev-env>/project/name/<dev01-project>/task/id/<id>/cancel/ \

--header 'Authorization: Basic abcdefgzh'


Response showing failure


"success": false,

"msg": "HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed.",

"id": -1


405 means Method Not Allowed - The HTTP method is not supported for the specified resource. Keep in mind that each resource may only support a subset of HTTP methods. For example, you are not allowed to DELETE the root resource.


Appreciate any help in this regard.

Hi @datagalaxy​, unfortunately I am not sure why what you have wouldn't work. The only thing in your message that caught my eye is that the url should not end with "/". Meaning it should be /cancel and not /cancel/. Other than that, as long as the instance address is correct and includes the port and the group, project, and task id are correct, it should work. Hopefully this sparks any idea.