Implemented idea in release 1.55!

Hello Everyone

I am proud to share another user-raised idea from the Ideas Portal has been implemented into the product!

AWS Secrets Manager Integration with Matillion was raised by @singh.vivek.ext1618389465005​ and has now made its way into the product as part of release 1.55.5!

As always a massive thank you to the raiser and also the community users who up-voted this idea.

@Michael@Nils​ and @Ranzith​ you will all receive a community badge shortly!

It is superb to see more and more user-raised ideas make it into the product, be sure to head to the portal and up-vote and subscribed to the ideas you would like to see added to the product.

kind regards, Joe

Thanks for the badge 😎

Good one .

can you enhance the tool to also create secrets from matillion.that would save us a bunch of work/ cicd with creating them they external process or thru cli or aws console .