I'm not sure how easily this can be answered without someone walking through the exercise I'm doing step by step, but I don't have any live instructor so I thought this would be the place to ask. If there is a different forum for course training purposes, I'm happy to post there.
I am learning the basics of Matillion ETL and am trying to build a data warehouse via Azure instead of the RDS that is used in the tutorial walkthrough--this is the first of many walkthroughs in the course. I am given the equivalent components for the two cloud technologies, implying that everything they do in the tutorial with RDS can be accomplished with Azure. I created a resource group in Azure as instructed and launched an ETL workspace through my public IP address. When I try to deploy it in the Matillion ETL with a MySQL Database Type that the tutorial is based on, I am told "Unable to find a driver for the database type [MySQL]." The video provides no instruction on how to find this driver, so I'm thinking it should already be included with the connection URL provided for Azure specifically.
Other issues in setting up the Database Query: there is no connection option "useSSL" to choose from as in the video. There is a field that is not in the video's RDS Query, and this field's status is "A databricks cluster in the environment is required to run a query."
I have tried navigating to "Manage Credentials" in which I create an Azure credential from information that should be found on my Azure portal. For this I had to create a new "App registration" in the Azure Active Directory to obtain my "Application ID" input, but there is no such "Secret Key" that I need to input for the Azure credential in Matillion ETL. For the "Secret Key", Matillion says to follow these steps in Azure portal: "Secret Key: Azure Active Directory → App Registrations → Registered App → Settings → Keys", but there is no "Settings" button once I have clicked on my Registered App.
Any help with this process would be greatly appreciated!