Users and Access to Folders


I am adding two new users to our Matillion ETL environment. We have several folders in our environment for each source system. We would like to two users to only have access to two existing folders and then new folders that they create. Is this possible? I know we can spin up a second vm, clone the existing vm, and then remove those folders from the cloned vm, but id like to avoid that.


I explored the user groups and permissions but that does not seem to fit my use case.


Thank you.

@analyticsteam​ - a workaround is to create 2 different projects. Then you can give access to specific users at a project level.

@analyticsteam​ - you can manage project level permissions from the Project > Manage Project menu. You have an option of "Public Administration" and "Public Users".

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Thank you. How do you permission users at a project level?