How is environment defined in Matillion - is it connection to DB or to certain point in DB (like specific schema)?
Eg. If i have DEV db and i create connection to it with role 1 (has access to staging schema), and then i want to use role 2 to access 3nf schema - those are 2 environments, right?
Also, speaking of number of environments, is that on the level of Matillion instance or project (because i can not share environments across projects)? Is there somewhere where i can see how many environments I already have?
I understand where to find an environment in Matillion. Part which was confusing to me, I found explanation here on this link:
"...Matillion has an overall cap on the total number of environments that may exist within your installation. The cap depends upon the instance size. If you have used multiple Projects then each Project will have at least one Environment, and they all count towards the cap even if they are actually pointing at the same target."
There is a cap of 15 environments across all projects on a single M5.Large instance which is what most of us are running. With that said, if you are using a Hub managed instance that environment count goes to 999 per instance.
Not sure i understand how it's different under the HUB, can you explain it please? I thought that is limitation even if you are running instance in HUB.