CDC error when creating a source endpoint

Hello Everyone,


We're trying to setup CDC into Snowflake from Oracle. We have performed all the pre-req steps in Oracle/AWS as far as roles, permissions, etc. as laid out in the documentation.


During the setup there is a step where we create a source endpoint and Test the connection. The way Matillion tests the connection is to issue a query:


select supplemental_log_data_all from v$database where name = '[DB_1]'


The problem is that we have stand-by database setup in Oracle so our v$database view actually looks like this:


select name, db_unique_name from v$database --where name = '[DB_1]'



[DB_1_A] [DB_1]


As a result, when we TEST the connection it returns an error in the CDC Wizard with the message: Invalid database [DB_1]. Under the scenes, we examined the network packets and noticed the actual error message to be "ORA-01403: No Data Found" which is simply because the query returns no data because the NAME field in the v$database view does not match.


If we TEST using the DB_1_A as the "name" then we instead get an ORA-12505 TNS:Listener does not know of the SID error.


Has anyone encountered this? Is there any way for us to override the SQL query being issued?




OK, so the way around this error is to just skip the test and keep going with the CDC setup. 😂