Observations & Challenges in Matillion Versions 1.75.0 and 1.75.8: Bugs or Features?

As a regular user of Matillion, I’ve always appreciated the flexibility and powerful features it offers. Recently, my team upgraded to the latest versions of Matillion (1.75.0 and 1.75.8) from version 1.68.21, which we found to be more user-friendly and stable. While the new versions introduced some improvements, but we’ve faced several challenges that have impacted our workflow.


I’d like to share some of these issues with the community to see if others are facing the same problems and to get feedback on whether these are bugs or intentional features in the newer versions. Here’s a breakdown of the three major problems we’ve encountered:


1. Deleted Components Reverting Back

One of the most frustrating issues we've encountered is that when we copy components from one transformation job to a new one and later delete some of those copied components, they mysteriously revert back to their original positions—even after saving the job. We expected that once a job is saved with the deletion, those components should be permanently removed.

Question for the community:

Has anyone else encountered this issue in versions 1.75.0 or 1.75.8? Is this an intentional feature or a bug related to saving the state of jobs?


2. Column Name Insertion While Checking Samples

In version 1.68.21, when checking samples using a filter, we could easily load the needed column names by clicking the arrow mark next to them. However, in the latest versions, this behavior seems to have changed. Now, we have to double-click the column name to insert it, but the arrow mark is still present, which adds confusion.

Question for the community:

Has this behavior been intentionally changed, or is it a bug related to the arrow mark functionality? Is there a more efficient way to insert column names in the newer versions?


3. Schedule Timing Mismatching

In the new versions, we’ve encountered an issue where scheduled jobs run successfully but don’t always appear in the task history as expected. Additionally, the same schedule sometimes runs at different times than what was specified, creating confusion about the actual run times.

Question for the community:

Has anyone else seen this discrepancy with the schedule timing and task history in Matillion versions 1.75.0 or 1.75.8? Is this a known bug, or is there a new scheduling mechanism that we’re missing?


Final Thoughts


Our experience with Matillion has generally been positive, but these recent issues have added some friction to our workflow. We’re eager to hear from the Matillion community to better understand if these are bugs that should be reported or features, we need to adapt to. Any tips or insights are welcome!


Looking forward to the community’s feedback!



Thanks for your post, I want to get you a good answer and feedback to this, it's a very well-observed and written post so thank you for taking the time to raise it. What I could do with is some further information about your set-up, What data warehouse do you use, platform etc, anything that will help our team to get you the best information back.


Kind regards, Joe

@JoeCommunityManager​ Thank for the eye on this,We are using Amazon Redshift as our Data warehouse and we hosted our Matillion AWS Ec2 instance

@JoeCommunityManager​ Hi joe, Once I need to discuss with my team about these bugs and let you know about scheduling a call and also need to check for some other bugs too because recently, we updated our Matillion 1.75.10.

Thanks, and Regards

Hari Ram K

@JoeCommunityManager​ We're also experiencing the same component deletion/reversion issue with Matillion 1.75.0 hosted on AWS EC2 with Amazon Redshift as our data warehouse. When deleting components in transformation jobs, deleted components reappear after saving, matching exactly what @HariRamK described. Has there been any resolution or workaround identified for this?

Best regards,



The team looked into these issues and we've not seen any supported cases raised by other customers, They would love to know more especially as we've been unable to recreate all of these.

  1. They have not seen this nor are we able to recreate it - would you be willing to have a call with them so you can demonstrate, or even share a video?
  2. This is a new bug, we've raised this internally and will look to resolve it in a future release. For now - double-clicking on the name is our recommended workaround
  3. The team need some more information about what you're seeing here - again it would be great if we could have a call

Let me know when is good for you @HariRamK​ and I can arrange a call with the team :)


Hi @john.martinez​ above mentioned some of the issues are fixed in latest version of Matillion 1.76.3 , So you can do the needful update after considering update release note from Matillion website. Do the update by reading release note because some of the components got updated and deprecated so plan as per the release note before updating.


Thanks for sharing that @HariRamK​ 😀

@john.martinez​ have you done the latest update yet and checked as per Hari's recommendation?

Kind regards, Joe