How to use Null in the Filter Condition in the Data Source Filter for the Database Query component

In the Basic Mode, I would like to filter on record where a field is NULL. There is no option in the Database Query component to filter by NULL. Any ideas on how to do that?


I know I can do that in the Advance mode, but I need to do this in the Basic mode.

I ran into a similar issue when importing NULL values from a .csv regardless of what config options I set.


I worked around it by creating a transformation job after the query which filters the NULL values out and updates the target table.

Yea, but that won't work in our case. We have millions of records in the said table. And we just to retrieve the records where one of the field is NULL every two hours. The transformation method will require us to bring in the entire table every two hour, which will be very time consuming.

OK. And what was the thinking behind using Basic vs Advanced setting? You could just have a WHERE in the SQL statement

We use a dynamic grid variable to add the fields to the Data Selection in the Database Query component. That's why need to use the Basic mode.

You can still use a dynamic grid variable for a data selection in advanced mode. I'm iterating across both database servers, tables, and unique sql queries

How do you use a Grid Variable for Field Selection (Data Selection) in Database Query component? Can you give an example with a screenshot?