Hey. currently going through the training for the Matillion Data Productivity Cloud, Foundations course. I'm on the first practical step 'Load customer accounts in JSON format using the S3 Load component', where I need to add an s3 load component to connect to the bucket here: s3://public-online-mtln-training-s3-greenwave/
However, I keep getting the following error: Something went wrong while fetching your buckets. Access Denied (Service: S3, Status Code: 403, Request ID: 9VPEN9RVCS1MPBJN, Extended Request ID: qgM7/j6tUdsJqioJuz+4r0M0cFJAjLBPJokeFCnBuKCREpikj1pJZntCs9W875yCUnjFgxNabd0=)
I am using the training warehouse and project so I assumed that these would include default credentials to access that bucket location. Doing some digging, I ran a python script to check what buckets I could view and I get this error: Python Interpreter Error: NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials Script failed. I've tried retracing my steps to see if I've missed something. Now i'm starting to wonder if this is an issue with the trial warehouse itself?