More user-raised ideas added to Matillion πŸ’‘

Hey Everyone,

I'm excited to share that we've implemented even more ideas from the Matillion Ideas Portal! This is amazing news.

I want to thank everyone who has submitted ideas to the Ideas Portal. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and it helps us to make Matillion the best product it can be.

The following Ideas have been added to Matillion:

For further information please see our release notes.

If you have any ideas for new features or improvements, please don't hesitate to submit them. We read every single one, and we're always looking for ways to improve Matillion.

Thanks again for your feedback and support!



3 of my ideas in one update, it's great to see these all coming in. Thanks!

This could be a record Chris!


Thank you for sharing your ideas πŸ’‘

Congratulations, @ChrisHastie-InterWorks​ πŸŽ‰