Provisioning and reviewing user access to projects

Hello. I'm still a newbie on Matillion, so forgive me on asking what might be simplistic questions.


I have been setting up new users, and this includes access to projects. These users require access to some projects but must not have access to others. In all there are 29 projects to go through. I am having to open each one and add people through the Manage Projects screen.


Some questions:

1) Why don't users appear in the list of available users in the Manage Projects dialogue until after they have first logged into Matillion?

2) Can access to projects be defined in groups? There are Groups in Matillion, but they don't seem to relate to access to projects. On Manage Projects only individual users are listed.

3) Reviewing existing user access. It is possible to query the Postgres repository to list users and group membership. But I've not found anything to list user access to projects. Is there any way of doing this?


Many thanks,


Andrew Jones

Hi @andrew.jones1626359841387​ and welcome to the community!

Thanks for the background information and the questions you've asked, I have some answers for you, which you can find below:

1: I believe this could be a bug, could I ask that you enter a support ticket here so that the team can help you further?

2: This isn't something we have yet, but you can raise it as an idea here in our Ideas portal where the team can consider it for the roadmap and fellow community members can vote on it!

3: You should be able to find this information stored as part of the project description JSON blob as accessControlList. A variation on the following should get you the whole thing.

PGPASSWORD=postgres psql --host= --username=postgres --dbname=postgres --command "SELECT rec FROM PUBLIC.projects"

Let me know if that all makes sense and if you have any further questions!

Many thanks,




Hello Claire,


Thanks for your reply. I'll pick up your suggestions. I was able to extract the project permissions info from the jsonb data.





Just to add to this, I don't think your question (1) is a bug. It's something that has bugged me for a while though, so I created this idea to hopefully address it. If you agree with it, please give it an upvote as that will hopefully encourage the Matillion dev team to incorporate the change sooner.


Idea: Manage user access to projects without requiring them to log in


